Icosian Reflections

…a tendency to systematize and a keen sense

that we live in a broken world.

Reading Feed (April 2022)


Blog: Gates Notes | No more pandemics


Blog: Marginal Revolution | The macroeconomics of a pandemic

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Energy’s future is both cleaner and dirtier


Blog: JeffTK | Increasing Demandingness in EA

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 4/28/22: Take My Paxlovid, Please


Blog: Marginal Revolution | The first and also twentieth Emergent Ventures cohort — Tyler Cowen is very, very good at spotting talent.

Comic: xkcd | Lightsabers


Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Ukraine Post #11: Longer Term Predictions


Blog: Shtetl-Optimized | On form versus meaning


Blog: Bits and Pieces | Preregistration is the Enemy of Liberal Education, and Other Crimson Op-Eds

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The doctrine of nuclear deterrence must evolve

Blog: Astral Codex Ten | Contra Hoffman On Vitamin D Dosing


Blog: Marginal Revolution | My excellent Conversation with Thomas Piketty

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 4/21/22: Variants Working Overtime


Comic: xkcd | Entwives

Blog: Marginal Revolution | More Guns, Less Burglaries


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Picture books are very good


Blog: Market Design | NYC plugs a school choice leak (of random numbers)


Blog: Marginal Revolution | An Operation Warp Speed for Nasal Vaccines


Blog: The Grumpy Economist | Inflation and the end of illusions.


Blog: 80,000 Hours Podcast | #127 - Sam Bankman-Fried on taking a high-risk approach to crypto and doing good

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Talent rules in the NBA


Blog: Cold Takes | Useful Vices for Wicked Problems

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Ukraine Post #10: Next Phase

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The incidence of rent control — "[W]e find that the tenants who gained the most from rent control had higher incomes and were more likely to be white, while the owners who lost the most had lower incomes and were more likely to be minorities. For properties with high-income owners and low-income tenants, the transfer of wealth was close to zero. Thus, to the extent that rent control is intended to transfer wealth from high-income to low-income households, the realized impact of the law was the opposite of its intention."


Self: Icosian Reflections | Series I (April 2022 update) — Now implying a a 6.03% annualized return on April-vintage Series I bonds for holding for the first 15 months.

Blog: Overcoming Bias | The Accuracy of Authorities

Blog: Marginal Revolution | When your bot is better than you — "In this new world, skill at writing will count for much less, and personal charisma for much more. This is not necessarily a positive development. It will be harder to use writing as a measure of broader skill or intelligence." I find the discussion about whether or not this would be a positive development...under-explored.


Blog: Marginal Revolution | A ray of good news — "The American Civil Liberties Union helped scuttle a bill this week that would have enabled the Biden administration to liquidate Russian oligarchs’ assets and turn the proceeds over to Ukraine."

Blog: Marginal Revolution | What true conservatives should care about


Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 4/7/22: Opening Day


Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Ukraine Post #8: Risk of Nuclear War


Blog: Marginal Revolution | U.S.A. fact of the day

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The very best parts of the best Beatle songs


Blog: Marginal Revolution | What I’ve been reading

Blog: Market Design | MIT reinstates standardized tests, to increase diversity