Reading Feed (August 2018)
Next: September 2018
Blog: MISinformation | Why it's Exhausting to be a Woman in Tech/CS
Blog: Marginal Revolution | My musical self-education
Blog: Marginal Revolution | If codetermination boosts output, will start-ups use it?
Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Tidying One’s Room
Blog: Julia.Galef | Why we need a new word for “lazy”
Blog: Marginal Revolution | My Conversation with Michael Pollan
Blog: Shtetl-Optimized | Thank you, world!
Blog: Marginal Revolution | What I’ve been reading
Blog: Slate Star Codex | SSC Survey Results: ADHD And Rejection Sensitivity
Blog: Marginal Revolution | My preface to Stubborn Attachments, and why this book is especially important
Blog: The ANOVA | where are we to go?
Blog: Marginal Revolution | My favorite things Ukraine
Blog: Agenty Duck | How To Smell
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Why sleep in a McDonald’s?
Blog: MeyerWeb | Securing Web Sites Made Them Less Accessible
Blog: Overcoming Bias | Sanctimonious Econ Critics
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Saturday assorted links
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Does the NIH fund edge science?
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Good advice from Patrick Collison
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Paul Krugman Explaining Macroeconomics on a Roller Coaster
Blog: Marginal Revolution | My Conversation with Michelle Dawson
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Dan Wang on how technology grows
Previous: July 2018