Icosian Reflections

…a tendency to systematize and a keen sense

that we live in a broken world.

Reading Feed (January 2020)


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Toward a more general theory of task complexity


Blog: Schneier on Security | Collating Hacked Data Sets


Comic: xkcd | Worst Thing That Could Happen

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Draining the swamp


Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Potential Ways to Fight Mazes

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Daniel Gross on productivity

Blog: Market Design | Patricia Kravey on non-directed organ donation

Blog: Giving Gladly | It's ok to feed stray cats


Comic: xkcd | Reaction Maps


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Coronavirus information and analysis bleg


Blog: World Optimization | I’ve been hiring and managing people for a year or so now, and it’s been pretty interesting to see...


Blog: Marginal Revolution | How bad are smart phones for people and kids?


Blog: Slate Star Codex | Book Review Review: Little Soldiers

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Marginal Revolution University video for Anna Schwartz

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Tomb Economics


Blog: Marginal Revolution | How economics has changed


Blog: The ANOVA | Elizabeth Wurtzel, 1967-2020


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Sunday assorted links

Blog: Market Design | Anat Admati on Economics and Politics


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Scott Alexander and others on mental illness


Comic: xkcd | Bad Map Projection: South America


Blog: Shtetl-Optimized | An alternative argument for why women leave STEM: Guest post by Karen Morenz

Blog: Schneier on Security | Securing Tiffany's Move

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Thursday assorted links

Blog: Marginal Revolution | What to make of the new U.S.-China trade deal?

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Damir Marusic and Aaron Sibarium interview me for The American Interest

Blog: Schneier on Security | Critical Windows Vulnerability Discovered by NSA


Blog: Marginal Revolution | The United States is Starved for Talent

Blog: Marginal Revolution | My Conversation with the excellent Reid Hoffman

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Sam Altman on start-up talent


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Urban growth and its aggregate implications

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Big Data+Small Bias

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The best available fix for real wage stagnation

Blog: Things of Interest | Measuring the maturity of a CD pipeline

Blog: The Grumpy Economist | Wealth and Taxes, Part V


Blog: Slate Star Codex | 2019 Adversarial Collaboration Winners

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The culture that was Parfit

Blog: Schneier on Security | Artificial Personas and Public Discourse


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Africa Luxembourg Ethiopia Congo state capacity facts of the day

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Places to go in 2020

Blog: The Grumpy Economist | Wealth and Taxes, Part IV

Blog: The Grumpy Economist | Wealth and Taxes, Part III

Blog: The Grumpy Economist | Wealth and taxes, part I


Blog: What's New | Some recent papers

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Royal markets in everything sentences to ponder

Blog: Marginal Revolution | How fake news will alter foreign policy


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Too much transparency makes the world more opaque.


Blog: Overcoming Bias | Radical Signals

Blog: Market Design | Reforming stock exchange governance, from the SEC


Blog: Marginal Revolution | What are the most important lessons for Dominic Cummings?


Blog: Overcoming Bias | How Bees Argue

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Tuesday assorted links


Blog: Market Design | Social studies of markets, marketplaces, and market design in the journal Economy and Society

Blog: Marginal Revolution | “Let them eat Whole Foods!”

Blog: Slate Star Codex | A Very Unlikely Chess Game

Comic: xkcd | Alignment Chart Alignment Chart


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Nuclear Energy Saves Lives


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Friday assorted links

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Words of wisdom, man the rooftops


Blog: Slate Star Codex | Why Doctors Think They’re The Best

Blog: Things of Interest | cripes does anybody remember Google People


Blog: Marginal Revolution | What libertarianism has become and will become — State Capacity Libertarianism