Reading Feed (July 2018)
Next: August 2018
Blog: Marginal Revolution | The Minimum Wage in an Online Job Market
Blog: Overcoming Bias | Compulsory Licensing Of Backroom IT?
Blog: Overcoming Bias | Dalio’s Principles
Blog: Compass Rose | Culture, interpretive labor, and tidying one's room
Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Prediction Markets: When Do They Work?
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Which happiness results are robust?
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Every law is violent
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Educational sentences to ponder
Comic: xkcd | Light Hacks
Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Simplicio and Sophisticus
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Steve Teles on the Federalist Society and the Left
Blog: Marginal Revolution | How should the Fed respond to Trump’s comments?
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Surveillance sentences to ponder
Blog: Slate Star Codex | Sentimental Cartography
Blog: Marginal Revolution | My Conversation with Vitalik Buterin
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Wednesday assorted links
Blog: Marginal Revolution | My take on the Statue of Liberty
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Christopher Balding is leaving China
Blog: Marginal Revolution | The Misallocation of International Math Talent
Blog: Schneier on Security | Defeating the iPhone Restricted Mode
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Tuesday assorted links
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Monday assorted links
Comic: xkcd | An Apple for a Dollar
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Kolyma Stories, by Varlam Shalamov
Blog: Tyler Cowen @ Bloomberg View | Trumpism, If Not Trump, Is Here to Stay
Blog: Slate Star Codex | Melatonin: Much More Than You Wanted To Know
Blog: Marginal Revolution | If technology has arrived everywhere, why has income diverged?
Blog: Marginal Revolution | How well is Germany dealing with the migration crisis? — "Whatever respite Germany may have gained this week is offset, and then some, by the arrival of a new and frightening political dynamic. Mr. Seehofer succeeded by going nuclear; chances are, he won’t be the last. The politics of fear and menace may be here to stay, undermining the foundations of democracy. In sound democracies, policies are the results of compromise between parties representing a majority of the voters. Through the politics of artificial crisis, minorities take the system hostage. They create policies redeeming fictional problems for fictional majorities."
Previous: June 2018