Icosian Reflections

…a tendency to systematize and a keen sense

that we live in a broken world.

Reading Feed (March 2019)


Blog: Marginal Revolution | U.S.A. fact of the day


Blog: GiveWell | Allocation of discretionary funds from Q4 2018

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Elizabeth Warren on food and agriculture


Blog: Slate Star Codex | Two Wolves And A Sheep

Blog: Overcoming Bias | Best Cause: New Institution Field Trials

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Thursday assorted links


Blog: Marginal Revolution | How NIMBY leads to urination in the streets


Blog: Gates Notes | We should discuss soil as much as we talk about coal

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Tabarrok on Bail


Blog: Marginal Revolution | The winners and losers of the Mueller revelations


Blog: Overcoming Bias | Speculator-Chosen Immigrants

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Ross Douthat on some reasons for the electoral college

Blog: Marginal Revolution | What do concert audiences really want?

Blog: Market Design | Do cashless stores hamper access by the poor?

Blog: Market Design | Special issue of NRL in honor of Uri Rothblum, February 2019

Blog: World Optimization | I know there’s this stereotype that doctors are good and lawyers are bad, but I feel the exact…


Blog: Jeffrey.Zeldman | Healthcare in America

Blog: World Optimization | As of last week, I’ve lived in the Bay Area for a year. This feels like an intrinsically significant…

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The Hayek auction results are very impressive

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Missing markets in everything?


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Sentences to ponder

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The culture that is Alexandria, VA

Blog: Marginal Revolution | What is wrong with social justice warriors?

Blog: Schneier on Security | Enigma, Typex, and Bombe Simulators

Blog: SMBC | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – Friendship


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Work as a safe haven (Big Business​)

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The case for real estate as investment


Blog: Bits and Pieces | New Book Out!

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Who is most receptive to pseudo-profound bullshit?


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Tuesday assorted links

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Amazon bans some anti-vaccine books

Interview: 80,000 Hours Podcast | OpenAI on publication norms, malicious uses of AI, and general-purpose learning algorithms

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Women’s employment has shaped the course of recent business cycles

Blog: Market Design | Alan Krueger (1960-2019)


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Monday assorted links

Blog: MeyerWeb | Legend of the Stalwart Mouse: Return of the MX518

Blog: Slate Star Codex | Book Review: Inventing The Future

Blog: JeffTK | Wagon

Comic: SMBC | Whoopsie


Blog: Marginal Revolution | The rise of the temporary scientist​ — relevant to my interests, naturally.


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Has the Tervuren Central African museum been decolonized?​ — “In a word, no. They shut the place down for five years and spent $84 million, to redesign the displays, and what they reopened still looks and feels incredibly colonial. That’s not an architectural complaint, only that the museum cannot escape what it has been for well over a century…”

Neat: Submarine Cable Map


Blog: Don’t Worry About the Vase | Privacy

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Should climate change limit the number of kids you have?

Blog: Schneier on Security | Critical Flaw in Swiss Internet Voting System


Blog: Don’t Worry About the Vase | Speculations on Duo Standard

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Facebook and the new privacy revolution

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Do female board members matter?


Blog: Slate Star Codex | Does Reality Drive Straight Lines On Graphs, Or Do Straight Lines On Graphs Drive Reality?

Blog: Marginal Revolution | My Conversation with Raghuram Rajan

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Was concentrated big business behind the Nazi rise?

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The Daily Beast Hit Piece on Amazon

Blog: Schneier on Security | Judging Facebook’s Privacy Shift


Blog: Bits and Pieces | Harvard’s educational role

Blog: JeffTK | Equal Parenting Advice for Dads

Blog: Don’t Worry About the Vase | New York Restaurants I Love: Pizza

Blog: Marginal Revolution | It is easier to do this when there is no single dominant company involved

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Opioids and the Labor Market


Blog: Marginal Revolution | The Spirit Level Delusion

Comic: xkcd | Size Venn Diagram


Pretty: Magic Daily | A Closer Look at the Stained-Glass Planesalkers

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Writers vs. entrepreneurs, publishers vs. venture capitalists

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The Brother Earnings Penalty


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Theranos was Fraudulent, What About Its Patents?

Blog: Open Philanthropy | Reflections on Our 2018 Generalist Research Analyst Recruiting

Blog: GiveWell | What is it like to work at GiveWell?

Blog: Bits and Pieces | “Harvard does not deserve Ron Sullivan”

Blog: Shtetl-Optimized | Death of proof greatly exaggerated

Blog: SMBC | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal – Real Life

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Work isn’t so bad

Blog: Schneier on Security | Cybersecurity for the Public Interest


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Tech and economic growth in the Book of Genesis


Blog: Don’t Worry About the Vase | On The London Mulligan


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Monday assorted links

Blog: Marginal Revolution | No Urban Wage Premium for Non-College Educated Workers

Blog: Otium | Personalized Medicine For Real

Blog: Overcoming Bias | Consider Reparations

Blog: Marginal Revolution | CEOs play games cooperatively, and well


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Differences in the Quran treatment of the themes from the Book of Genesis

Blog: Market Design | Impossibility Results in Fairness (from Adventures in Computation)

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Sunday assorted links


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Injectable NanoParticles Let Mice See Near InfraRed!

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Saturday assorted links


Comic: xkcd | Normal Distribution

Blog: Marginal Revolution | What are hologram-based concerts really like?