Icosian Reflections

…a tendency to systematize and a keen sense

that we live in a broken world.

Reading Feed (May 2022)


Blog: Gates Notes | In Africa, detecting disease outbreaks before they become a global threat


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Making shootings more salient makes gun laws weaker


Blog: Marginal Revolution | The FDA should make Paxlovid easier to get

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Bribe-Switching


Blog: Marginal Revolution | The magnitude of depolicing — "Using a time regression discontinuity design, we estimate a 72.7 percent decrease in lower-level “quality of life” arrests, and a 69 percent decrease in non-index crime arrests in Minneapolis following George Floyd’s death. Our results also show that the decrease in arrests is driven by a 69 percent decrease in police-initiated calls for service. Using the same approach, we find a much smaller decrease of 2.7 percent in arrests and a 1.5 percent decrease in police calls following police-involved shootings..."

Blog: Marginal Revolution | The paradox of auction happiness


Blog: Astral Codex Ten | Your Book Review: The Anti-Politics Machine

Blog: Market Design | Personal data as a national (not international) resource


Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 5/26/22: I Guess I Should Respond To This Week’s Long Covid Study — re: the study itself, see also this.


Blog: Open Philanthropy | Open Philanthropy’s Cause Exploration Prizes

Blog: Marginal Revolution | That is now, this was then, Taiwan edition — An editorial from a prominent senator, circa 2001.

Blog: Marginal Revolution | How much are Republicans and Democrats polarized really? — "One question in the online survey…asks about property taxes instead of federal taxes: “Do you consider the amount of property taxes you pay to be too low, about right, or too high?”…the share of Democrats responding that property taxes are too high (36.9 percent) is not much lower than the corresponding share of Republicans (42.9 percent)."

Blog: The Grumpy Economist | Sloar panel tariffs

Blog: Open Philanthropy | Open Philanthropy’s Cause Exploration Prizes


Blog: In the Pipeline | The Search for Long Covid

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Mandatory Post About Monkeypox

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Why We Can’t House the Homeless

Blog: Marginal Revolution | A Heideggerian review of Talent


Blog: 80,000 Hours Podcast | #130 - Will MacAskill on balancing frugality with ambition, whether you need longtermism, & mental health under pressure

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Air Pollution and Student Performance in the U.S.


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Job security is not getting worse

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Testing Freedom — "I think it’s not actually inexplicable because the FDA has a long, long history of just hating people testing themselves. So the FDA was against pregnancy tests, they didn’t like that, they said women they need to consult with a doctor, only the physician can do the test because literally women could become hysterical if they were pregnant or if they weren’t pregnant, this was a safety issue. There was no question that the test itself was safe or worked. Instead what the FDA said, “We can regulate this because the user using it, this could create safety issues because they could commit suicide or they could do something crazy.” So they totally expanded the meaning of safety from is the test safe to can somebody be trusted to use a pregnancy test? Then we had exactly the same thing with AIDS testing..."


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Baby bust in India? — <2.0!!

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Interland: A New Type of Government

Blog: JeffTK | How To Evaluate Covid Filters?

Blog: JeffTK | How Big Are Covid Particles?


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Sentences to ponder model this


Blog: Overcoming Bias | You Choose Inequality — "The median adult income worldwide is ~$1000 ($3000 per household), and median wealth is $7500. If you make/have more than those amounts, and if you are trying to increase your personal income and wealth, then..."

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 5/19/22: The Law of Five

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Formula for a Shortage

Blog: Marginal Revolution | My Conversation with the excellent Daniel Gross


Blog: Marginal Revolution | The new Covid equilibrium


Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Formula for Dying Babies

Self: Icosian Reflections | The FDA on Fluvoxamine, round 1


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Ask and they shall deliver — "Companies in the [EU] would be allowed to build wind and solar projects without the need for an environmental impact assessment, according to draft proposals obtained by the Financial Times that call for the fast-track permitting of renewable projects in designated “go-to” areas."

Comic: xkcd | Health Data

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Infant Formula, Price Controls, and the Misallocation of Resources

Blog: In the Pipeline | Personal Paxlovid Update


Blog: Marginal Revolution | I favor bird consequentialism — Environmental conservation opposes radical climate action, part 17 of an ongoing series.


Blog: Market Design | Xenotransplantation and pork chops — "[W]hile pig organs aren't ready for transplant yet, it turns out that there are some people who are allergic to the alpha-gal sugar, and hence to meat. But they can eat the meat of these almost-transplant-ready pigs."


Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 5/12/22: Other Priorities

Blog: Open Philanthropy | Request for proposals: Help Open Philanthropy quantify biological risk


Blog: In the Pipeline | Paxlovid, Personally

Blog: Marginal Revolution | How big a deal would a nuclear explosion be? — Tyler is "no longer so sure".


Blog: In the Pipeline | A Hepatitis Mystery

Blog: What's New | Partially specified mathematical objects, ambient parameters, and asymptotic notation — This is those 1-in-30 What's New posts which I actually understood end-to-end, which I guess is something?

Blog: Astral Codex Ten | Book Review: The Gervais Principle

Comic: SMBC | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Grind — On math, and sports, and inspiring arcs of getting better.

Blog: Marginal Revolution | GDPR and the Lost Generation of Innovative Apps — "[W]e document that GDPR induced the exit of about a third of available apps; and in the quarters following implementation, entry of new apps fell by half."

Blog: Marginal Revolution | “If economists are so smart, why aren’t they rich?”


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Do welfare payments limit crime? — "As a result of these charges, the annual likelihood of incarceration increases by a statistically significant 60% in the two decades following SSI removal. The costs to taxpayers of enforcement and incarceration from SSI removal are so high that they nearly eliminate the savings to taxpayers from reduced SSI benefits."


Blog: Marginal Revolution | I Hate Paper Straws!


Blog: Marginal Revolution | In defense of extremism

Blog: JeffTK | Contra Dance Mask Policy

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Does the right-wing or left-wing have better graphics?


Blog: Malcolm.Ocean | co-what-now: aiming for flow & sovereignty on the largest scale presently possible

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 5/5/22: A Lack of Care

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Repeal the Foreign Dredge Act of 1906


Comic: xkcd | 2