Icosian Reflections

…a tendency to systematize and a keen sense

that we live in a broken world.

Ted Cruz is Having a Bad Second Day

or, "Ted Cruz's Campaign Logo is an Upside-Down, Burning American Flag"

First, a short lesson about why you should buy www.yourname.com before announcing your presidential campaign:

www.tedcruz.com, showing the notice "Support President Obama. / Immigration Reform Now!"

The site is, apparently, registered to Ted Cruz.

Just a different Ted Cruz.

Meanwhile, on Twitter...

and on Gawker...

Gawker: Ted Cruz' Campaign Logo Is an Upside-Down Burning American Flag

...and the Washington Post, who "could go on all day".

I guess, if you're a serious person, you might appreciate the Christian Science Monitor's serious article asking "Isn't this a bit early to be announcing a candidacy?" -- with a resounding (and data-supported answer of "no") -- and "Hasn't there been a lot of campaign coverage already this cycle?" -- with a similarly-supported answer of "yes".

"Relative Presidential Campaign Coverage", showing 2015 a record high

Here we go again.