My Most-Read Posts of 2015

I published 72 posts in 2015, with the first on January 1 and the last on November 18, for an average of 1.6 posts/week on that interval, up 70% from 2014's 0.9 posts/week. These 72 posts accounted for about 47% of the 152 posts published through December 2015.

According to Google Analytics (which ignores my pageviews), I saw an average of 57 views per day, with non-homepage views-per-day up 97% from the last half of 2014 (before which I don't have GA records). September 18 (when 2015's overall most-viewed post was published) was the single-day high, with more than a thousand more views than any other day in Faults history. GA thinks that 41% of all sessions originated from Facebook.

tl;dr I am writing posts and people are reading my blog. I'm pretty happy with these numbers.


The ten My Faults My Own posts published in 2015 with the most total pageviews were: (in ascending order)

  • A Liberal Critique -- in which I attempt to explain why calling out harmful discourse is especially important when the people I'm calling out are on the left.
  • October 28 Links: Thinkers, Statesmen, Economists, Doctors -- The only linkwrap to make the list; no, I'm not sure why, either.
  • Putting money where my mouth is and Okay, you can stop it now., in that order. -- A two-part rant in frustration with the entirely ugh-y renaming of my school.
  • Yes, you should hire college-educated computer scientists -- contra David Gelernter, who looks to hire only "people who taught themselves to code in high school and still can't get enough of it."
  • Something About Bernie -- In a nutshell, the thing that I find most baffling about Bernie Sanders's position on fighting poverty.
  • PredictIt Arbitrage -- In August, the online betting markets' "predictions" for who would win the Republican nomination added up to more than 100%. But I do the math, and realize that you can't really arbitrage that fact to make free money.
  • Greenlaw and Morris for the UC -- Faults comes to campus politics, and I endorse William Greenlaw and William Morris IV for the UC presidency. Spoiler: They don't win in the end, and I'm still weeping for my school.
  • CTY (and the Passionfruit) -- The summer after seventh grade, a summer camp changed my life. This is a five-year retrospective.
  • Karim Pirbay is an Email Scammer -- ...and this one. (sigh) With almost three times the pageviews of my second-most-viewed post and more than 9% of my overall site traffic, this aggressive call-out of obnoxious behavior by one of my classmates seeking election to Senior Program Marshall really brought in the eyeballs. I guess I shouldn't really be surprised, but I hope next year's most-viewed has a bit more substance, honestly.

Honorable mention for timelessness goes to Dear Brother: These are the Friends I Met, which was written in 2014, but was still the sixth-most-viewed post in 2015. I think I linked to it somewhere on Quora, though, which is driving the inflows?

I also had published pieces in the Harvard Political Review: How Much is Enough? (extras) and the Harvard Crimson: Forty-One Words (extras), both of which had more than enough views to be counted somewhere in the above list.


My "author's pick" for best post of 2015 is Go in Peace, a eulogy for my grandfather, who died in August. It was incredibly hard to write, but I'm still glad that I did. Mind the content warnings.

Second pick for best post goes to CTY (and the Passionfruit), which was second on the pageviews list. Honorable mention for most important post goes to Something's Rotten in the State of Facebook. Honorable mention for most under-read post in 2015 is Saving Citizens from the Theater of Capital Punishment, published on January 1, which seriously deserved more reads than the [redacted] that it got.