Icosian Reflections

…a tendency to systematize and a keen sense

that we live in a broken world.

Reading Feed (August 2022)


Blog: Astral Codex Ten | Billionaires, Surplus, And Replaceability

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Grand Theft Education


Blog: JeffTK | Sequencing Intro


Blog: Market Design | Matching in Dynamic Imbalanced Markets, by Ashlagi, Nikzad, and Strack

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Will open science matter?


Blog: Jane Street Tech Blog | What the interns have wrought, 2022 edition

Blog: Astral Codex Ten | Highlights From The Comments On The Repugnant Conclusion And WWOTF

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 8/25/22: What We Owe


Blog: Astral Codex Ten | Book Review: What We Owe The Future

Blog: In the Pipeline | Perfluorocubane Is (As You Would Expect) Weird

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Are chess players worse when playing remote?


Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | On Car Seats as Contraception

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Investing in infants


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Some simple analytics of Indian growth, economic and cultural

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Post-Covid excess deaths in Britain


Blog: Market Design | Returning to your place in the queue following a failed kidney transplant


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Share of births outside marriage, by country


Blog: The Roots of Progress | A conversation about progress and safety

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 8/18/22: CDC Admits Mistakes

Blog: Giving What We Can | Update to our recommended Global Health and Development charities

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Not so simple as just giving the IRS more money

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Emergent Ventures India, fourth cohort


Blog: GiveWell | Changes to our top charity criteria, and a new giving option

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Spoiler-Free Review: Across the Obelisk

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Still under-policed and over-imprisoned


Blog: Overcoming Bias | MacAskill on Value Lock-In


Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | And the Revenues Are So Small

Blog: Market Design | U. Chicago celebrates Michael Kremer


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Gender Differences in Persistence and Publishing in Economics

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Why Matt Yglesias should be a conservative


Blog: Astral Codex Ten | Your Book Review: God Emperor Of Dune

Blog: Marginal Revolution | From the comments, on corporate tax

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Amritsar is underrated


Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 8/11/22: The End Is Never The End

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Vanishing Asia, by Kevin Kelly


Blog: Marginal Revolution | One reason why a global carbon tax is impossible


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Ireland facts of the day


Comic: xkcd | Scientific Field Prefixes


Blog: Market Design | Jobs and spouses in Denmark


Self: Icosian Reflections | Metaculus and medians

Comic: SMBC | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Comment


Blog: Marginal Revolution | PredictIt seems to be closing?

Blog: GiveWell | GiveWell’s 2021 metrics report

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Dose Stretching for the Monkeypox Vaccine

Blog: Marginal Revolution | PredictIt seems to be closing?


Blog: Marginal Revolution | How many times are we going to make this kind of mistake? — I am old enough to remember the claims that we had a strategic national stockpile of poxvirus vaccines large enough to vaccinate every American. Now: "The shortage of vaccines to combat a fast-growing monkeypox outbreak was caused in part because the Department of Health and Human Services failed early on to ask that bulk stocks of the vaccine it already owned be bottled for distribution, according to multiple administration officials familiar with the matter."

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 8/4/22: Rebound

Blog: Marginal Revolution | How many times are we going to make this kind of mistake?

Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 8/4/22: Rebound


Blog: Marginal Revolution | Taxing Top Incomes in a World of Ideas


Blog: Market Design | American Finance Association guidelines to prevent unravelling of the job market

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Get the Lead Out of Turmeric!

Blog: Marginal Revolution | Are the electric vehicle subsidies too mercantilist?


Blog: In the Pipeline | Tiny Proteins, Getting Sorted Out