October 31 Bucket o' Links: "Links, Explosions, and People Talking" Edition
Welp, Friday post goes out on Sunday NO shut up it's still saturday is that how this daylight savings thing works HRMPH. (It's not.)
Anyway, I'm in the middle of writing some stuff about a topic that's almost certainly going to end up being controversial, and I've decided to publish some of it, and I'll get around to doing the part where I actually say things later. Anyway, that's a work in progress; here's a finished linkwrap!
First, meta of metas, if you like my takes on (some subset of) the week, maybe also check out other people's linkwraps that have come out in the last day or so:
- Unequally Yoked | 7 Quick Takes: Costuming, Conspiracy, and Counterfeiting (Leah Libresco is a one-time atheist blogger, now a Catholic blogger, and remains a devout rationalist. Unequally Yoked's 7QT's get the credit for convincing me to to BoL's.)
- My Biased Coin | Weekend Links (November 1 Edition) (Michael Mitzenmacher is currently my professor for Complexity and Algorithms, and often has insightful things to say on the inner workings of the ivory tower, being a research professor of theoretical computer science.)
- Slate Star Codex | Links for November 2014 (Scott S. Alexander, who also writes as Yvain, writes on his own blog and on LessWrong about...well...lots of things. But I appreciate his thoughts.)

"Space is hard and today was a tough day. We are going to be supporting the investigation as we figure out what