[China] Regressing
This is the last post on my first try at polyphasia. For convenience, I've listed all four of my previous polyphasic posts here:
- Greetings, Polyphasic Sleep, Chives (an introduction)
- Theory of Poly Sleep, Reports From the Field (some musings and a progress report)
- Tired, Dreams, Sunrise, BSG (some errata, and more field reports)
- Errata, Food, Reductionism (I try to explain why violating conventional wisdom on sleep is at all a good idea)
After missing two naps in a single day, I realized that this polyphasic thing wasn't going to work in China.
1. We didn't have breaks at the right times in the day.
2. I was incurring approximately 100% overhead on walking back to my dorm to nap.
3. The utility of my time was extremely phase-sensitive, which is to say that having extra hours during the night didn't help anywhere near as much as extra hours during the day.
So I stopped. Re-transitioning to monophasic wasn't precisely effortless, but it was still pretty easy (after all, I've had nineteen years practice). Oddly enough, I had this conversation with my (Harvard summer) roommate a few days before I left for China:
"We're doing pretty well, it seems."
"Don't be so confident; next week is when most people fall off the wagon."
Oh, well. We're not all abnormal all of the time.
In other news, I decided I was going to eat meat while abroad. It seemed pretty common-sense to me: if I put down every dumpling that turned out to have pork inside, I'd probably starve. I'm only sort of joking -- in a place where you can't speak the language and are