IN WHICH Ross Rheingans-Yoo—a sometime economist, trader, artist, expat, poet, EA, and programmer—writes on things of interest.
Reading Feed (last update: October 9)
A collection of things that I was glad I read. Views expressed by linked authors are chosen because I think they’re interesting, not because I think they’re correct, unless indicated otherwise.
Blog: Trevor Klee’s Newsletter | Drug trials have a surprising amount of detail
Blog: In the Pipeline | The Clinic Speaks Slowly, and Quietly
Comic: SMBC | Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Booked
Comic: xkcd | Easy or Hard
Blog: In the Pipeline | Hiding Inside Cells
Blog: Don't Worry About the Vase | Covid 10/6/22: Overreactions Aplenty
Blog: Marginal Revolution | Is there a neglect of low-probability gains?
Blog: In the Pipeline | The 2022 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Blog: Marginal Revolution | The market for property insurance vs. climate change
Blog: What's New | What are the odds?
Blog: Market Design