Cultivated Publicy
Publicy is a term coined (or at least signal-boosted to me) by Jeff Kaufman in a series of posts (beginning with JeffTK | Giving Up on Privacy, JeffTK | Publicy and Notification, and JeffTK | A Right to Publicy) that I think is pretty great, because it's intuition-bending in a way that's reflective of the way the digital world is shaping up to be different from the physical one. (See also: Wiki | Sousveillance.)
Tyler Cowen (of MR) recently pointed to an article by the NYT about an interesting non-privacy which seems somehow related (NYT | Ratings Now Cut Both Ways, so Don't Sass Your Uber Driver):
"Highly specific pools of reputation information will become more useful in aggregate," said Mr. Fertik, co-author with David C. Thompson of "The Reputation Economy," a guide to optimizing digital footprints. "If you're a really good Uber passenger, that may be useful information for Amtrak or American Airlines. But if you add in your reputation from Airbnb plus OpenTable plus eBay, it starts to