Notes: Building a Better Web Browser
These are my cursory notes from a talk given by James Mickens of Microsoft Research, in March 2015, titled "Building a Better Web Browser".
Notes legibility estimate: MEDIUM
The State of Progress
Chrome, Opera isolate the renderer in separate processes -- this allows tabs to crash on their own. ...but the issue is that the browswer is still a monolithic kernel.
Servo -- extra threading! ...but still monolithic.
The problem: Browser developers take the monolithic design as a given, and tinker around the edges.
The Problem
What is a browser trying to do? Provide services for origins -- render, computation, i/o + messaging
- It provides
origin = <protocol, host, port>
Render: HTML CSS MathML Aria WebGL video canvas images
IO: XHR DOM IndexedDB Cookies FileReader BrowserCache AppCache
Currently: providing services for origins, but they're high-level and complex. You wouldn't ask your operating system to implement Emacs in the kernel. ...well, you might. That was a test; I've already called the police on you.
Kernel: network, UI, storage (concurrency)